
Posts Tagged ‘home sickness’

After contacting students from my old high school, I found that several are considering Rowan University. Brianna Introcaso is a high school student who had several questions about Rowan that I was glad to answer. Here’s what she wanted to know…

Q: Do you have to take “Gen-Ed” classes as a freshman, or can you take classes towards your major?
A: When you come for Summer Orientation, a schedule for your fall semester is already made up for you. It consists of all Gen Ed courses, because it’s best to get them over with during the first year or so, so the last years of your education will be focused on classes geared towards your major. This helps if you’re undecided, so you can explore different subjects that may help you choose a future career.

Q: Are sporting events really popular among students?
A: During the fall season, football games are definitely the most popular for students to attend. Men and women’s basketball games usually have a large turn out as well. Ice Hockey didn’t compare in popularity, because the team travels and its hard to attend away games. Spring season’s just starting now, and the baseball and softball teams will begin to play.

Q: What happens if I run out of food or snacks during the semester? Are there any super markets nearby that I can get to?
A: If you want to grab a snack between classes, or dinner-to-go for later, the Market Basket is located on-campus in the Student Center. It’s within walking distance and they’ll take your Rowan Card or cash. As far as off-campus super markets, there’s an Acme and Shop Rite at the nearby shopping center. It’s a good ten minute walk, but on a nice day it’s very do-able.

Q: Are a lot of students homesick, or do they go home often?
A: In general, Rowan is NOT a suitcase school! Most, if not all, students that I know tend to stay on the weekends. My entire group of friends stay each weekend, unless they have an obligation at home, and most students I’ve talked to do the same. It seems like the students who do get homesick haven’t established a solid group of friends, or went home often during the first months of school.

Q: What happens if you don’t get along with your roommate?
A: If you and your roommate don’t get along and can’t resolve your differences, you can apply for a Room Swap. You have to fill out a simple application, and in most cases you can change rooms within the next few weeks. There is a certain time period for this, and if you miss that you can talk to your R.A. and he or she can usually work something out.

Q: How does your R.A. affect your dorming experience at Rowan?
A: My R.A. has been very welcoming to all our residents and informative about campus activities and policies. She has held numerous floor meetings, where we met the other girls on our floor, and have had “game nights” where we can hang out and bond with each other. She’s always friendly, and I know I can go to her if I have any problems. 

For any high school students have applied to, or are considering Rowan, comment and I’ll do my best to answer any questions you may have!

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